Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's Been A Long Time....

Not that anyone reads this.... hey! I am not negative, just realistic. So many people post so much stuff that the likelihood of getting anyone's thoughts or just a plain old hello will almost be nil. And yet, I am writing. In my mind I was put on this earth to do something, be famous, get recognized. Now at 45 yrs old, I am thinking what the fuck is in your head, you ass! Hell I don't know. I am out here at 1:30 in the morning instead of sleeping and writing this blog. Good thing I am not working right now! I still need to do some good, get recognized, be famous. I don't know~I am a cardiac ICU nurse, sure I get people who come up to and say thank you. I have doctors all around me much of the time. Most often they are not listening to me or they are only hearing what they want and are unable to see the whole picture. Well the picture is going to get hold on for a bumpy ride~