Friday, June 26, 2009


Noise, noise,and more noise! Sometimes it feels like I am at a big party and there is no way I will hear anything anyone is saying because of the intensity of the NOISE! I know I have always been a contributor of this noise but as I have added more children to this family and have gotten older I have learned to enjoy the quiet whenever I can get it. I have also learned that not saying anything is OK. When someone receives bad news, when someone picked you as a sounding board and just erupts, when a patient dies, when your heart is soaring with joy, when praying and you feel empowered by the Holy Spirit, when your child is lying in your arms and he is peaceful....these are the times when words are not necessary. I used to believe that I always could find the right words to make things better for any situation. Often I don't know what to say. There are no words to express when a friends child dies or a family has decided to offer their son's organs to others because his life has been cut short. I have realized that the quieter I am the more I hear and learn. Back home my family and friends are all very loud and talk with their hands. It's what I know. It hasn't changed and I guess overall I would rather have the noise then not. Maybe I can incorporate a longer quiet time:)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Just out of the Gate and waddling through

Where to start? It seems that I want to write something, have some purpose, or just have an opportunity to say what's on my mind. Well ,the Internet has allowed anyone and everyone to have that ability so I guess I might give it a try. My name is Robin. I am a wife, a mother, and a nurse. My life has had quite a boring start but I seemed to have made it interesting along the way. My husband has for the last 12 yrs called me Lucy...from," I Love Lucy". Most likely it is because I am always creating trouble, looking for it, or somehow seem to land right in it! This blog I hope will reflect past and present insights, reflections, revelations. We will see~
In 1970, I was in kindergarten and one of the boys was in trouble. Anthony, was his name. Mrs. Cott, our teacher, had him sit in the corner and wear a dunce hat. I was humiliated for him and I cried. When the teacher asked me why I was crying I couldn't tell her.
In fact, I had much difficulty telling anyone what I thought and was not able to express myself verbally or in writing. Surprising to many, I know! There are so many things to talk about so I will have to start somewhere. Hopefully it will not bore you if anyone ever reads this. But if you are just drifting off by the second line please feel free to move on:)
2009 Monday morning. I am off to physical therapy. I have been dealing with lower back pain from 2 bulging discs. It is the most miserable thing to hurt all of the time. I can definitely relate how people can get hooked on pain meds when you hurt all of the time. I went another route for fear of that very thing. So physical therapy it is. More on drugs later.....